Nine must-subscribe fantasy football feeds

most of these are under the radar sources but they’re very informative #fantasyfootball

The Hazean

You can get your fantasy football news from anywhere these days. Big television networks like ESPN, Fox and CBS offer fantasy coverage before, during and after games on Sunday and beyond. The internet is crawling with fantasy football information, leagues and advice from those television networks and other major publications. It is hard to pick up a magazine or newspaper without seeing some kind of fantasy advise or advertisement.

It can be a lot to handle as a fantasy owner, young or old. The information overload is so great it can drive fantasy owners to the brink of disaster. Well, maybe not that far, but the amount of information available can numb an owner to the point of fantasy apathy.

With all that in mind, I spent the majority of this season weeding out the good fantasy information from the bad. It took a lot of work and a lot…

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